How did the RCR / RFA
site begin and evolve
I've said Phil Domenico was
responsible, and Phil has said I
am responsible. Actually we both
are. But if it hadn't been
for an incident in 5th grade where
the principal, Mr. Whalen, made
Phil and me push pencils across
the floor with our noses, I would
have never reconnected with
Phil. I never attended RFA
because I moved from Rome in 1966
during the first week of ninth
grade. I first contacted and
reconnected with Phil via Facebook
in April 2009. We reminisced
a bit back and forth about some
experiences at Columbus
Elementary. But on June 10,
2009, Phil had sent me the
Columbus 5th grade class
picture. Phil and I went
back and forth seeing how many
names we could remember.
This, in my opinion, was the
catalyst which began the RCR
group. From reconnecting
with a few Romans in the last 10
or so years, I had email addresses
of Susan Sutter, Candy Knudsen,
and Dennis Ceklovsky (all from
that 5th grade class), so I copied
them on the emails. They
joined in with helping to name the
students of the class. Soon
after, I copied Denise Desimone,
whom I had also found via Facebook
this year. She was not in
that 5th grade class picture, but
I was in her class in 6th grade
and thought she would also know
some names from the 5th grade
picture. Eventually, there
was a 1st grade picture emailed to
me and we all started to name the
students from that one also.
Debbie Durgan, Valerie Catalano,
and Debbie Hall were copied soon
afterwards on these emails and
more reminiscing began, not just
with elementary, but with junior
high and RFA. I don't
remember the entire order of those
email addresses that got added,
but the group continued to
grow. Sometime in October or
November 2009, Debbie Hall
referred to this group as the RCR
(Roman Cyber Reunion) and the name
stuck. The RFA class has now
had its 40 year reunion and I know
those that attended
collectively agree it was the best
ever !. - Dennis Parrish
Below are some of the
earliest email exchanges while
labeling the 5th and 1st grade
Columbus Elementary
pictures. There were 6 of us
and no official "RCR" yet.
From: Susan Sutter
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 9:12
To: Dennis
Cc: Mark Tagliaferri; Philip
Domenico; Denise
Desimone; Candy Knudsen;
Subject: Re: First Grade Picture
I remember
square dancing very well. Dennis are you
saying you didn't like to dance??? I'll
take that over swim class in RFA, I
hated that, you swim suit stretched 2
sizes larger as soon as the water hit
I am 95% sure that #21 is not Paul
Andrews, no way...... Plus, 23 is
extremely familiar and I'm trying to
figure out his name. I found quite a few
of my old report cards to see who signed
them. You guys I don't believe engaged
in that but we girls did.
Hey Mark, do you remember how you would
sign your name? Mark J. Tag -cute.
I'll think on #'s 21 and 23 and if I can
remember will let you know.....Just
hearing all these names is bringing back
a lot of memories.
From: Dennis Parrish
Sent: Monday, June 14, 2009 8:10
To: Mark Tagliaferri; Philip
Domenico; Denise
Desimone; Candy Knudsen;
Subject: Re: First Grade Picture
On Sun, Jun 14, 2009 at 8:10 PM,
Dennis Parrish
Mark, thanks for that update (revision
attached). I hope the rest of your
trip there was good. I’ll update
the picture.
Mark, you and I were paired off in gym
class during the wrestling segment
because we were about the same height
and weight. From memory, I think I lost
every match. Our gym teacher was a
thin guy, had dirty blonde hair in a
brush cut or flat top as it was called
back in the day, and he had a German
accent. I’d never remember his
name though.
who remembers square dancing in
gym? I’ll never quite understand
how that ever fit in anywhere in school.
once called Mr. Bowler when I was in my
20s visiting Rome.
think we talked for about an hour.
Back then, both Mr. Bowler and Mrs.
Collins came to my house to visit and
try to get me on a better track.
That’s unheard of today, as is being
held back a grade.
Just got an update from Phil
while typing this, so I revised the pic
again. I’m still questioning
Cleo. Paul changed a lot
too. Thanks Phil !
From: Mark
Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2009 7:41
To: Dennis
Parrish; 'Philip
Domenico' Mark Tagliaferri; Philip
Domenico; Denise
Desimone; Candy Knudsen;
Subject: Re: First Grade Picture
I am also
unable to recognize Janice? The person
listed as # 10 in the 1st grade picture
is not me. I was in Ms. Murphy's 1st
grade class. From the looks of Ms.
Siefert I think I'm glad! I was in Rome
over the weekend and talked to Ms.
Murphy's cousin. Apparently she never
married, lived her entire life with her
sister. Both of whom have now passed
from cancer. Sorry you have to continue
your quest now for #10!
Hope you are
all well and happy
From: Dennis Parrish
Sent: Monday, June 14, 2009 6:19
To: Mark Tagliaferri; Philip
Domenico; Denise
Desimone; Candy Knudsen;
Subject: First Grade
Picture updated
!! This is priceless !! OK,
I’ll do the red dot numbered thing
again. See the attached picture. And
tell me if I have any of them
wrong. Help me out here Phil – I’m
not even sure I have YOU correct
here. What # is Paul
was only in Columbus
in the second half of fifth grade and
all of sixth grade.
Phil, I’m wondering about Cleo Valentine
– I knew him pretty well and I’m not
noticing anyone resembling him in this
picture. Also, when I was in
eighth grade, Cleo was in seventh.
I guess he could have failed a
Anyone else
feel free to chime in.
From: Philip
Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2009 5:43
To: Dennis
Parrish; Denise Desimone;
Susan Sutter;
Candy Knudsen;
Mark Tagliaferri; Dennis Ceklovsky
Subject: RE: Updated picture -
down to one name maybe
here's my 1st grade class
this is ms. seiffert's class.
common faces to the 5th grade picture
include (from bottom left):
dianne bartolotti, joann gotti, janice?,
mark tagliaferri, linda salamonowicz,
joann dandino, bobby dicaprio, phil
domenico, and paul andrews. others
that i can identify are (from bottom
susan spadafora, frances gotti, woody
robinson, cleo valentine, tommy
cianfrocco, marvin?, laverne turner. i
believe there's also a craig ? to the
left of marky t.
btw, i'm the good lookin' one.